Managed FirewallAn Managed Firewall is a service in which an external provider takes over the management and monitoring of a firewall for a company or organization. A firewall is a security mechanism that monitors and regulates traffic between an internal network and external networks to prevent unauthorized access, threats, and attacks.

Here are some key features and functions of a managed firewall:
- Configuration and deployment: The managed firewall vendor assists in configuring and implementing the firewall according to the customer's specific requirements. This includes setting security policies, filtering rules, and access controls to ensure the desired protection.
- 24/7 surveillance: A managed firewall is continuously monitored to detect potential security incidents, attempted attacks, or suspicious activity. The vendor's Security Operations Center (SOC) monitors firewall traffic, analyzes log data, and alerts to proactively respond to security threats.
- Rule-based filtering: The firewall is configured to filter traffic based on predefined rules and security policies. This includes blocking unwanted or malicious traffic, allowing allowed connections, and detecting anomalies or attempted attacks.
- Updates and patches: The managed firewall vendor is responsible for regularly updating the firewall software, firmware, and security patches. This ensures that the firewall is equipped with the latest security features and fixes to be ready for new threats.
- Incident Response and Support: In the event of a security incident, the vendor's SOC responds to the threat and takes appropriate action to contain and remediate the incident. The support team is also available for questions, inquiries or technical assistance.
- Reporting and Compliance: The managed firewall provider generates regular reports on firewall status, security incidents, activity, and performance. These reports can be used to monitor the security posture, meet compliance requirements, and report to management or external auditors.
A managed firewall offers companies the advantage of being able to delegate the responsibility for configuring, monitoring, and maintaining the firewall to an external vendor. This allows the company to benefit from the vendor's expertise and focus on its core competencies while managing the security aspects professionally.
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